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Reversing a String using JavaScript


Reversing a string is a fundamental operation in JavaScript, often used in text processing, palindromic checks, and other various applications. This snippet provides an efficient way to reverse any given string.


String Reversal Function

function reverseString(str) {
return str.split("").reverse().join("");

Example Usage

Reversing a String

const originalString = "Hello, world!";
const reversedString = reverseString(originalString);
console.log("Reversed String:", reversedString); // Output: "!dlrow ,olleH"

Code Description

The reverseString function offers a concise approach to string reversal:

  • Purpose: To reverse the order of characters in a string.
  • Implementation: Splits the string into an array of characters, reverses the array, and then joins the characters back into a string.
  • Return Value: The reversed string.

This function is particularly useful in situations requiring the reversal of text, whether for aesthetic purposes, text analysis, or algorithmic challenges.
