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· 3 min read
Pablo Aballe

CI/CD is hailed as a beacon of efficiency in software development, but beware! Many have been lured into a treacherous abyss of failure. In this article, I'll unravel the deadly mistakes that can spell doom for your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) journey. Even seasoned developers are not immune to these fatal blunders. Discover the pitfalls that could turn your CI/CD dreams into haunting nightmares!

Deadly Mistakes That Can Doom Your CI/CD Efforts

· 3 min read
Pablo Aballe

Unlock the power of dynamic programming in software development. Explore its recursive techniques, understand its efficiency, and learn how to implement it effectively with real-world examples.

Dynamic Programming Dangers - Common Missteps for Developers

· 3 min read
Pablo Aballe

Node.js 21 has arrived with much anticipation, but does it live up to the hype? Join us as we uncover the disappointments, missed opportunities, and shortcomings in the latest release. If you're a developer eagerly awaiting Node.js 21, you'll want to know why it may not meet your expectations.

Node.js 21 - The Latest Letdowns and Disappointments

· 4 min read
Pablo Aballe

The journey to becoming a senior software developer is anything but straightforward. It's a path filled with potential pitfalls that can derail your progress and growth. In this article, we'll shine a light on the common traps that aspiring senior developers may encounter and provide valuable insights on how to avoid them.

Pitfalls on the Road to Senior Software Developer - What to Avoid